22 Oktober 2013

Overcome Your Fear of the Unknown

But blessed are those who trust in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream....” Jeremiah 17:7–8 

New ventures can be scary. Going on a trip somewhere new, or starting a new ministry at church, or starting on a new work project—it’s hard to take that first step. What if you get sick away from home? What if no one’s interested in the new ministry? What if you do a terrible job on the new project?

There are always too many fears and too many unknowns, and we like to be in control of our environments. But sometimes new ventures are exactly what we need.

Jesus does not want us to become complacent in our faith—He wants us to be working for Him. His Word is alive and active, and if we obey His Word, then we will be too.

Trees may look delicate and pretty, but they have deep, deep roots, often deeper and larger than the part of the tree above ground. Those roots are fed by water we can’t see either, and they have a remarkable ability to survive. In this passage, Jesus compares us to trees. If we are trees, we also have a deep root system in Jesus Christ. We are watered by the immense reservoir of strength and power through the Holy Spirit. And the fruit we bear has eternal consequences.

Faith Step: Pray and ask Jesus to show you how you can “branch out” and serve Him in new ventures. Don’t be afraid, because you’re anchored in Christ and His power. 

 By Camy Tang
This devotion is excerpted from Mornings with Jesus 2013.

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